Monday, April 16, 2007


So I just back from BC. I went home to visit my family for Easter. I had a great time. Adam came with me, so he got to meet a lot of family he had not met yet. :)

I am going back in about a month for my grad dinner and dance ceremony there.

Now I am back at school blech... Its the first day back and I am already overloaded with homework!! I have 2 essays due in the next two weeks, a big poster board, a media project, two midterms, and a unit test!! I think I will be very busy the next couple days... lol AND on top of all that...Im working 5 out of 7 days this week.... hmmmm

I started working for my mommy :) I am making a website for one of her online stores...well actually this one will be mine. :) Its called but its not up yet...lots of work... and right now i just dont have enough time haha

Anyways I will post pictures of my trip to Vancouver later because I have not yet uploaded them to my computer :)

1 comment:

The Smalls said...

Let me know when you have your website up. I'm SO into home decor right now with a new house to decorate!! Don't know when I'll see you...are you staying in AB after you grad?